Is it possible to make a robot conscious so that it can behave like living being? This is the biggest mystery of today and a challenge to science.From the materialistic view it is possible, But practically it will never be.
Today a lot of physicists think that consciousness is a byproduct of matter but fortunately it is not. It has its very own existence and it is a primary entity.
So the dream of design a conscious robot will always be a dream.However if somehow we transfuse the consciousness from a living entity to a robot then we may be able to give consciousness to the machine.but consciousness itself is not such a thing, like energy which can be transmitted from one place to another. So the solution to this problem is simply interface the brain of any living being with the machine.By doing this we can make that living entity more developed or you could say that the machine is conscious now.
This can be possible through brain machine interfacing.To interface machine and brain we have to plant an electrode in to the brain of living being, lets assume that we take an insect and transplant an electrode into its brain by doing that we can interact with the neurons of brain.Whenever the insect want to move its legs or wings, neurons are send by a particular area of the brain, If we detect which portion of brain is responsible for which particular activity then it can be possible to send signal corresponding to that activity to the particular that we can move our robot according to the will of insect.
Now, because our machine is technically more capable so the insect is now more developed or our robot is now conscious, so it can think and feel now.