Sunday, September 25, 2011

Shale oil makes China to claim on Arunachal Pradesh in India.

Chudamani Ratnam, former chief of Oil India Ltd, repeatedly claimed since 1990 that India had a treasure of shale oil in Arunachal Pradesh and other parts of the north-east. He said these deposits could produce 140 million tonnes per year for 100 years.

But the process of extracting shale oil was very complex and costly.Usa used this process in early seventies (1973-74),the technology entailed digging and crushing enormous quantities of shale,and baking this to extract oil.Huge quantity of water needed to cool and satblize the spent shale. But recently a new technology has been used for this called shale gas "fracking".In which horizontal drilling in used followed by injection of high pressure water,sand and chemicals.This technology is now booming in USA and it will complete one forth of total need of USA in 2020.

India needs this technology also to used Shale oil.This is another a primary reason why China is now claiming on Arunachal Pradesh, Something similar which is already happened in south china sea because of having huge source of oil.So India should protest china strongly and should go ahead in this direction because there is no historical base for china in Arunachal Pradesh.It is an integrate part of India and always will be.

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